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About Diplomaatia magazine

Diplomaatia magazine, published by the International Centre for Defence and Security, aims to decode foreign, security and defence policy trends, and to assess their impact on Estonia. Our audience includes thought leaders, policy makers, civil servants, analysts, academics and students, and the interested public.

The first paper issue of Diplomaatia was published in 2003. Over the years, the format of Diplomaatia has changed, but its focus and purpose have remained the same. From 2021, Diplomaatia is published as a quarterly magazine. Between issues, we will provide our readers insights, commentaries, and analysis on Diplomaatia’s renewed website.

We look forward to your contribution

We look forward to commentaries, analyses, and reviews from foreign, defence and security policy practitioners and experts. We will not usually accept articles that have previously been published in other publications.

Here are some guidelines to keep in mind before submitting an article.

Commentary, analysis or review

We publish articles in three formats:

Commentary – a shorter article that comments on a specific event, replies to someone else’s opinion, etc.

Analysis – a longer article that analyses an event or policy change and / or its impact and includes references to sources.

Review – a critical review of a foreign, defence or security policy book, film, performance, etc.

We value your opinion

We value your personal insights, views, experiences, and examples. However, the views and opinions expressed in the article belong to you, the author. We will include a disclaimer to the effect that they do not necessarily represent the views of the editorial board of Diplomaatia or the ICDS.

References, list of sources

Diplomaatia is not an academic publication, but references add weight to your opinions. Add hyperlink references into the article if possible. References that do not have online sources should be added in footnotes. The ICDS uses Chicago manual of style footnotes in its publications.

First step: contact us

Send a draft article and/or proposal for an article to diplomaatia@icds.ee. We try to provide feedback on proposals within a working week.

Most articles need editing for clarity and readability: submitting an article usually means only the beginning of the work between the editor and the author.

Author’s photo and social media accounts

Articles include a photo of the author and links to his / her Twitter / LinkedIn accounts (if available).

When you submit an article, please also provide links to your social media accounts and a print-quality portrait photo: horizontal or landscape format, high resolution (preferably 300 dpi), minimum width 1900 pixels.


We will only pay honoraria for articles when a prior agreement has been reached.

Re-publishing Diplomaatia articles

Articles written for Diplomaatia may usually be published in other publications with the prior agreement of the editorial board – diplomaatia@icds.ee. Reference must always be made to Diplomaatia as the original source, with a title and website link included.